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Quantum Trance Hypnosis Certificaton

  • 49 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Let's get you Certified in Quantum Trance Level 1 Hypnosis!! This course is more than learning the deepest hypnosis technique. This work changes you. It can change how you show up in the world. This works makes you grow. Investing in yourself, your growth, and taking your biz to new levels, are the best investments you will ever make. Not just in money, but your time. Enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your clients resolve their own problems. Create a future where you live out your passion to assist others, and make great money while doing it. Step up to who you are, and create massive waves of change on this planet. Become a leader and wayshower of expanding consciousness and raising the vibration of this planet. Benefits of becoming a Quantum Trance Practitioner: 💫Have a spiritual based career. 💫Expand your Consciousness. 💫Work from home. 💫No experience needed. 💫Create income while performing life changing work. This class will be held in a private Facebook Group. You will get... ✨️57 page manual. ✨️Hours of training videos. ✨️Over 10 hours of QT sessions to study. ✨️Q&A videos from previous rounds of class. ✨️Your own Q&A Session. Once you complete this class and practice sessions you will be certified to perform Quantum Trance sessions!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
3 Plans Available
From $240.00/month


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