You may not be able to cope with the demands of life right now as your energy is low and you may be feeling quite lethargic. Take things easy if you can, you may be quite moody and irritable you might feel down and out consequently you will not be feeling confident. You are not very clear headed so avoid making rash or impulsive decisions as people may be trying to deceive you. Try not to get too idealistic as you may feel discouraged at obtaining those pie in the sky goals, just keeps things simple.
The messenger planet, Mercury, leaves its home sign of Virgo and enters the Air sign of Libra on September 5, 2020. This transit of Mercury lasts until September 27th, when it will then ingress into the sultry, secretive sign of Scorpio. Mercury enters its pre-shadow on September 13th, as it prepares to retrograde through Libra and Scorpio. The transit through Libra represents a period of self-expression, timing, and communicating shifting decisions. This is all in preparation for the revelation of hidden truths that will unfold over the next few months.
Mercury performs well in the intellectual and outgoing attributes of Libra. This phase is excellent for friendly and social interactions for the first two weeks of the transit. Later in September, the shadow side of Libra may be triggered as Mercury creates an exact square to Jupiter during the Virgo New Moon on September 17th, and prepares to square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn as well. Mercury then opposes Mars, the planet of war, in his home sign of Aries on the 24th. The typically balanced and harmonious aspects of Libra then has the potential to transform into impatient, argumentative energy under this influence. Internalized resentments can escape through verbal displays of anger. It is important to engage filters when communicating with others during these tense times. These aspects are reminders to remain conscious of tone and intention in the search for constructive means of communication.
The expression of Mercury can manifest as indecisiveness while in Libra. Be mindful of the propensity towards people pleasing when communicating ideas. Balance can be found by seeking the middle ground between establishing respectful boundaries, and withholding truth in an effort to not rock the boat. This entire Mercurial transit has the potential for cross currents and confusion. A reminder to consider any interactions with others, and set an intention to operate in the higher vibration of this energy when speaking your mind.
Mercury’s transit through the social sign of Libra, brings mental focus and a flood of ideas, which aids in finding solutions regarding the crumbling of the past, as it aspects the demolition crew of planets in the sign of Capricorn. A great period to develop diplomacy through all personal interactions, and negotiations now become easier to attain. The sense of fairness is sparked in this energy, making it an opportune time to reach a broader perspective by considering the views of others.
Venus moves out of Cancer and into Leo on September 6th shifting the energy from a need for security, emotional connection, and emotional fulfilment to a need for more affection, physical connection, and playfulness. We may be feeling more passionate, warm-hearted and demanding. A strong need for love, seeking to be admired, craving physical touch, compliments, and gifts. It’s a really good time to focus on self-love, as we crave the need to be loved and admired. Be wary of feeding into the ego energies of seeking external validation, its important we don’t rely on others to fill the void. Fill yourself up with love, compliments, treat yourself to little gifts.
Take the time to appreciate yourself, bring some new self care rituals into your daily routine – positive affirmations, mirror work, or a love letter to yourself. Our ability to express our love & feelings more confidently and boldly will be on the increase as well as a need to be more honest with others and ourselves.
In relationships, we may be craving more excitement and playfulness, we’re over being so serious and ready to stir up some drama and excitement in our love lives. Venus also rules finances, and when in Leo we can be a lot more generous with money. A great time to treat yourself, pamper yourself, treat yourself like the royalty you are! It’s a really good time to work on building up your own confidence. Working on knowing you are loved and are worthy of love. Leo’s also love to show off, if you are in a relationship you may really feel called to shower your partner with love, affirmations and gifts.
A need to be really grand, bold and spontaneous, wanting to be the best and showing others how amazing you truly are. Sexual desires may also be on the increase, it may be more difficult to separate sex from love at this time. During this transit we really just want to feel loved and appreciated. Leo’s are also quite the romantics, it’s a great time to really spice up your love life with a bit of romance and new adventures.
We may be feeling a lot more demanding during this time wanting more affection, attention, devotion, loyalty and honesty, we want nothing but the best for ourselves and won’t stop until we get it. It’s a really great time to set boundaries and set your expectations as Leo’s won’t settle for anything less than fabulous. This transit will be quite powerful, encouraging us to love ourselves and others more passionately, affectionately and deeply.
From the 10th September until 24th November, Mars will be retrograding in Aries. As with all retrogrades, this period calls for introspection as we are being asked to slow down and re-assess the projects we are currently taking action on, the way we assert ourselves and how we achieve our goals. The sharp clarity of Mars in Aries will become a bit confusing and ambiguous, leading to uncertainty and a drop in confidence as we start to hesitate and second-guess ourselves and our intuition.
Even though there may be stagnation and a lack of momentum during this retrograde, try not to make any major decisions on an impulse or a whim, especially when it comes to career. Continue to move your body to prevent frustrations from exploding into pointless arguing. You can channel the impulsive and spontaneous energy of Aries into this physical outlet by deciding what kind of exercise you would like to participate in as each day comes, which also helps you to maintain some confidence in your intuition as you listen to what your body needs and wants.
CARD OF THE WEEK - 8 of Swords- Frustration
Confusion is transforming into Frustration when the 8 of Swords is reversed. If you are holding on to ideas that are not serving you, this can turn into angry frustration. It can be damaging to your psyche to be overly conscious, without any plans, and always wanting to turn back time. The past is the past and you must let it go to move forward.
To turn this card upright you must allow for a release to happen. Whether it is releasing tension, releasing emotions, or releasing toxins- whatever "it" is to you, release it if it is not serving your Higher self. Write it out and burn it.
Personal Note from Crystal- In my sessions the past few weeks I have seen a couple of themes, one being the inner child needing to talk. Your inner child needs attention at times. You can send love and compassion to your inner child, just visualize yourself as a kid- tell them you love them, tell them they are safe, tell them what great things they have to look forward to. Time is a human concept, but we are Quantum beings! The past, present, and future are all happening now. What we do, whether harm or healing, in 1 timeline, affects all others. Be mindful of how you speak about yourself because that is the future you are creating!
If you need help click the image below to book a Quantum Trance Session!
*Report by Crystal via AstroMatrix & Patch Tarot.
Also guys...
Crystal and Athena have been coming up with great Auction Boxes the past month or so! This was never really planned, but has been a huge success! Make sure you join our Auction Group on Facebook to bid! Click the title below: