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Look Below The Surface -New Moon in Aries

You may feel unlucky now and it may seem depressing and restrictive. You have barriers holding you back and from being yourself. It is not the others who are holding you back, you are holding yourself back. Be careful of projecting negativity. Your energies are low you may have problems, but the situation will improve quickly so have patience.

Now you will be very prone to impulsive and rash actions which could create conflict with others and cause your problems in the future. Your ego is very strong, and you want to assert your desires onto others. It is a good time to get a lot of work done as your energy level is very high you just need to be more disciplined when you are dealing with others. Try compromise and control your impulsive reactions, if you are finding this time particularly difficult it is good to think about what parts of your ego need refinement such as your pride or sense of worth and your ability to make an impression on others.

It is a good time for creative activity and your personal relationships. There is a perfect balance between your needs and desires. You can express yourself well but in general this time is more based around physical than emotional energy. A purely romantic relationship will not suffice. You should utilize the physical energy the best way possible otherwise you may end up feeling frustration or angst. This time provides ample energy for creative work.

You will have the energy to get ahead in all the ways you desire if you are disciplined and avoid too much excess. You may try to take on more than you can handle or stretch yourself too far. You may be in a conflict with others right now. Try to be more compassionate and you can accomplish great things.

!!Penetrate below the surface layer of reality to find the real meaning of what is happening in your life right now!!

New Moon in Aries

The Aries New Moon on March 24th at 4° brings a direct, uncomplicated focus to affairs, helping us to move ahead in straight lines. This can be a great boon in many areas of life, but particularly with a situation that has previously felt stuck or too complex. It may be the case that we are motivated to take up fresh activity in an area that has been dormant or lacking in solutions.

This is a progressive, sparky energy with heaps of potential to do something totally NEW. Aries is somewhat rebellius, and although this is very much tempered by earth and water, there is still the ability to act in ways that are brave and different. Be fearless, serving the greater good.

The Moon is starting to separate from a sextile to Saturn, which suggests that a serious atmosphere could be softening. This may come about because steps towards greater progress have already been made. Perhaps you are about to turn the page on events that have been rather hard-going and drawn out. Either way, a separating aspect that involves the Moon, which is linked with daily changes, can convey the sense of a situation being on the wane.

Where Saturn is concerned, we often have lessons to learn, some of which we can pick up relatively easily, whereas others may just not stick with us. Occasionally, we simply don’t get the message, or at least not right away. Even so, it can turn out that life is intent on ensuring that we do “get it” this time, which may mean that the occasion for learning seems to recur — or the circumstances relating to it do so. There could be a developing theme of history repeating itself.

There is a marked theme of healing to this month’s New Moon, because it is conjunct Chiron in Aries. We may well witness an acceleration in a therapeutic process. If we notice any kind of new health problem arising, however, it might be equally wise to take prompt action to nip it in the bud. We could avoid a repeat of a situation we’ve previously experienced, or step away from a matter that will worsen quickly.

Report by Crystal via AstroMatrix

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