The Seven of Pentacles, the Waiting Game
As an advisory card, the Seven of Pentacles, warns if the necessary hard work isn't put in the results will be poor. One must be diligent and hard working, not quick to shuck their responsibilities. It is advised that any matters rushed or if the fast track is taken, it is likely One will miss out on important foundational steps. They should take the long-term view in this situation rather than seeking immediate satisfaction, One must pay close attention to details. The true magic is in the fine print and the real transformation takes place at ground level.
Attention to Detail, diligence, delayed results, slow progress, care, tending, nurture, foundations, future harvest, hard work, effort, patience, waiting, gestation.
Daily Tarot Spread for the "Collective" by Athena Taylor
Tarot Deck used: Tarot Illuminati by Kim Huggens